You may enter cash bank entry as follows.
Cash / Bank Account :
Select cash account for cash voucher entry. Select bank account for bank slip book or cheque book entry. You have to select cash bank entry only first time when you start voucher entry using quick entry.
Receipt/Payment :
Select voucher entry type. i.e. receipt or payment. Select payment for bank cheque book entry and select receipt for bank slip book entry.
Receipt will be debited and payment will be credited to the cash / bank account.
Voucher type will be decided from here according to Cash/Bank Account and Receipt / Payment.
Voucher No. & Date :
Select Voucher No. Vou.No. field is enable only if voucher no. is required for selected voucher type.
You can set auto generated voucher no. series using Voucher Series Setup
Give Voucher Date.
Opposite Account :
Select opposite account from the list. Closing balance of opposite account will be display below the account.
If opposite account type is cash or bank, then voucher goes to contra voucher type automatically.
Voucher Amount :
Give voucher amount in credit / debit field. If the opposite party account contains bill to bill balance method, then you have to give bill to bill adjustments.
Document / Cheque No & Date :
You can give here document no.& its date in case of cash voucher and cheque no. & cheque date in case of bank voucher.
If you selects Bank Payment voucher type, then next cheque no. will automatically comes in cheque no. field. If can you cheque no. if the cheque book is changed.
Remark :
Give remark here. you can get saved narration using with auto narration help
You may enter bank name of the cheque given by the party in narration field.
After giving all information, press OK to save the voucher. If Online Voucher printing is required , then it will asked to print voucher when voucher is saved. Cursor will move to cash/bank account selection automatically when voucher saved. You may continue voucher entry and exit by press ESCAPE.
Bank / Cash option is used to Add the Bank/Cash Receipt/Payment Entry. Follow the above option show the Bank/Cash Receipt/Payment List, which contains following working option
Add (Insert/F3) :
Using this option you can Add the new entry of Bank/Cash Receipt/Payment.
Modify (Enter):
Using this option you can Modify the selected Entry.
Delete (Delete Key) :
Using this option you can Delete the selected Entry.
Find (ALT + F) :
Using this option you can Find the any keyword From Bank/Cash Receipt/Payment List.
Audit (ALT + X) :
Using this option you can Audit the selected entry and once you audit entry it can not be Modify and Delete Entry.
Date (F2) :
Using this option you can set range of date and you will see under this date range entry only.
Attach :
Using this option you can Attached the file and set as defualt for the account.
SMS (ALT + S) :
Using this option you can Send the SMS of selected entry to party directly.
Export (ALT + E) :
Using this option you can Export the Entry list in Excel File.
Print (ALT + P) :
Using this option you can print the List of Product.